Anushka Choudhary

Welcome to my page!



My name is Anushka Choudhary. I am a 20-year-old girl from Patna, Bihar. Currently I am studying in SRM Chennai in second year CSE-SE. Since childhood I was a keen learner and I started using computer since the age of 3 years. Even though I am a horrible artist, I loved creating drawings on MS-Paint. I also played a lot of simple games on my desktop computer as a child. My parents really enjoyed looking at me doing these things and they always encouraged it.

Other than that I enjoy content writing very much. That is also one of my childhood hobbies. I used to write short poems and stories in high school as a hobby. And later when I went to college I realised that content and creative writing are actual skills. SO, I discovered a lot of tools for it and now enjoy writing frequently especially on Medium.


"The most important skill to acquire now is learning how to learn."

Web Development

I am frontend web developer accustomed with HTML, CSS(Bootstrap) and JavaScript.


I know multiple programming languages such as Java, C++, C and basics of Python and R.

Content Writing

I write both technical and no-technical articles, blogs and write-ups. To read more visit my Medium account.


"A consistent and heart-filled effort to completion is the foundation of excellent work."


Data Analytics Using R

This project on Data Analytics using R has been done on the topic Census of India as a part of the course on Data Analytics for Skyfi Labs.

Click here

Responsive Blog Website

I have created a responsive blog website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The webpage has been uploaded on GitHub and is hosted on Netlify.

Click here

Movie Recommendation Using Python

This is my first Machine Learning project done on Python. I have used MovieLens dataset and using the correlations function, the software will recommend movies.

Click here

To-Do List Using JavaScript

This is a simple To-Do list which can be used to insert, delete and update records. It has been created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Click here

Get In Touch

Feel free to reach out. I would love to hear from you!